1.Why do I need tracing layout plans?
Tracing layout plans are necessary as part of the investment projects for construction of buildings and facilities, according to regulatory documents (Regulation № 4, May 21, 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects). Tracing plans contain data necessary for routing of specific points of design objects such as points of architectural or design, construction axes and others.
2.What are the documents needed for tracing the boundaries of landed properties?
Documents necessary for laying out the boundaries of a land are ownership document, updated sketch of the property issued by the municipal administration and cadastral map where available.
3.What are the documents required for issuing permission for construction of a fence?
Courtyard-tracing carnet, construction verdict and possibly architectural project for the fence. Once you have permission to build a fence and we can prepare a protocol for routing the fence, which is part of the documentation required to verify the legality of the fence.
4.What are the necessary documents for tracing of buildings and other engineering facilities?
For tracing buildings and other engineering facilities it is necessary to present a copy of part “Geodetic” of the investment project. When tracing the design axes we need also a copy of the formwork plan. If possible this information should be in digital form.
5.What is Cadastre?
The set of basic data on the location, boundaries and dimensions of real estate on the territory of Republic Bulgaria, contributed, presented, updated and kept according to the Law on Cadastre and Land Registry is called the Cadastre / art. 2, para. 1 /. Real Estate – subject of the cadastre are: land properties, buildings, including rough construction sites and separate objects in buildings. Cadastre covers data on the ownership of real estate, data for other rights over real estate, data for state boundaries, boundaries of administrative – territorial units, land borders and boundaries of areas with the same permanent designation, which are plotted on cadastral map and recorded in the cadastral registers. Cadastral activities can be performed by people, who are legally liable.
6.How do cadastral maps and cadastral records change when errors and omissions are found?
Errors and shortcomings in basic data in the cadastral map and cadastral registers are filled in or corrected at request to the Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of location of the property. On site officials establish on the basis of a draft plan for amending the cadastre and other official documents and evidences submitted by the applicant. When omissions or errors are related to the dispute of substantive law, they are corrected after court decision. The draft plan for filling in the omissions and eliminating the errors in cadastral maps and cadastral records are compiled according to the sample approved by the Executive Director of the Cadastre Agency, which include the following documents: a sketch of the property, the corrected location of the boundary of the plot or outline of the building.
7.What documents are needed for completion of new sites in Cadastre?
Under Article 52, paragraph 4 of the Law of Cadastre and Property Registry permission for use of a building or other structure is not issued prior to the owner or the investor showing a certificate from the Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre fulfilling its obligation under Article 52, paragraph 4 of the Law of Cadastre and Property Registry to provide data for the constructed or upgraded buildings, buildings beneath the surface of the land, removed buildings, and tunnels built underground. Appropriate documentation includes: ownership document (for the right of construction) building permit (legalization act) a copy of the sketch (visa) to study and design – a sample of current Detailed Site Development Plan; surveying data captured, a copy of “Architecture” part of the approved investment project – executive.
8.What is necessary to alter the regulation plan?
For all services rendered by the company owners need to submit:
– Current plan (the validity of which is six months) issued by the municipal technical department;
– Ownership document (deed or judicial decision for initiation of possession.)
9.What is needed to produce a draft for vertical control?
A project for vertical control is developed on the basis of the following documents: surveying photo made in digital form; master plan for the site (situation), and architectural drawings for the site.