Cadastral maps

Cadastral maps  need to be maintained in good standing when changing the outlines of buildings or land, when creating new objects on the  cadastre, or filling in omittances and correcting errors. Separation or joining of land need to be reflected on the cadastral map.

Subdivision of land. Partition

The aim of division is to end the emerging ownership on the same plot and to create individual rights in certain real, individual plots. The land is distributed between the owners accordance to their ownership rights.
Sketch design for the partition of the land  need to be drawn as the sample approved by the Executive Director of the Cadastre Agency, which include: a sketch of the property, the projected dividing line or change of borders, the regulation line, identifiers and areas of newly formed plots, numbers and geodetic coordinates of points of the projected line. 
In the division of land is necessary to comply with the requirements for minimum amounts of land.

Joining land

Sketch design for joining of land  need to be drawn as the sample approved by the Executive Director of the Cadastre Agency, which include: a sketch of the property, a sign to mark the deleted property line between the lands and the deleted property identifiers, the identifier of the newly formed land.

Correcting errors and omittances in cadastral maps and cadastral records

The draft plan for completing omittanes and eliminating errors in cadastral maps and cadastral recordsare compiled as the sample approved by the Executive Director of the Cadastre Agency, which include: a sketch of the property, the corrected line showing fixed location of the boundary of the plot or outline of the building and their identifiers.

Developing new objects on cadastre

GeoBul Ltd.  performs surveying measurements of newly built sites and preparation of required documentation that must be submitted to the Agency of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre.


Regulation plans of the municipality are considered for areas with no cadastral map.
Changes to regulation plans are in place when there is:
– Changes to the street or courtyard regulation;
– Inclusion of new areas to the regulation plan;
– Partitioning and merging of a land plot;
Under the Law on Spatial Planning.

Vertical control

Vertical control projects are part of the investment projects required for the construction of buildings and facilities, according to Regulation № 4 on May 21, 2001 on the scope and content of investment projects.

Vertical control projects always determine: the height position of streets, buildings, alleys and other areas and facilities, creation of appropriate conditions for construction and disposal of natural surface waters in receiving waters and sewers.